Deborah Olson
Joint Project Manager
2022 CBRN Defense Conference and Exhibition : Developing Physical Capabilities to Address CBRN Threats Panel
Ms. Deborah Olson was chartered as the Joint Project Manager for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Protection in August 2021. Ms. Olson began her career supporting the Marine Corps in 2003 as an Analyst for I-R Technologies, providing strategic program and integration planning for the Global Combat Support Systems implementation and integration objectives. In April 2005, Ms. Olson accepted a position as a Program Analyst at Marine Corps Systems Command. Ms. Olson was the lead acquisition analyst for Marine Corps Enterprise Information Technology Services (MCEITS), an ACAT III program. She was promoted in April 2007 to Team Lead, and was responsible for the overall program definition, organization, and direction. During this time, Ms. Olson became Level III certified in Program Management. In May 2008 Ms. Olson was selected as the Program Manager for MCEITS and was responsible for managing a portfolio of projects that included a Urgent Universal Need Statement requirement for a Tactical Collaborative Work Suite; Command and Control Computer Refresh in support of Marine units aboard amphibious ships; and the USMC Public Key Infrastructure program. From July 2012 to September 2015, Ms. Olson served as Deputy Program Manager for Information Systems and Infrastructure delivering an integrated set of unique information technology capabilities. Ms. Olson ensured the effective acquisition, development and sustainment of Information Systems and led a skilled workforce of over 330 Marine and civilian personnel. From October 2015 to May 2017 Ms. Olson served as Deputy Program Manager for Combat Support Systems, responsible for the total lifecycle management of a diverse portfolio of systems that included; combat engineer, power, bulk liquids, shelters, field feeding, environmental control, renewable energy, construction and material handling, general purpose test, automatic test and unmanned ground systems. From May 2017 to August 2021 Ms. Olson served as the Program Manager for Engineer Systems responsible for the success of over 90 personnel in the management of 138 Programs spanning all phases of the acquisition lifecycle. She successfully managed a Future Year Defense Budget of $585M and a total of 274 Table of Accountable Material Control Number that consist of 85,755 principle end items, with a total military equipment value of $3.3B. On 30 August Ms. Olson was Chartered as the Joint Project Manager for Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) for Protection, Joint Program Executive Officer for CBRN Defense.
Ms. Olson is a native of the United Kingdom, holds a Master of Science in Information Technology and a Bachelor of Science in Social Administration from Loughborough University of Technology. Additionally, she is a graduate of the Defense Acquisition University’s Program Manager’s Course. Her personal awards include the USMC 2020 Donald Roebling Award for Acquisition Innovation and Excellence, a Department of the Navy Civilian Meritorious Service Medal (2016), Department of the Navy IM/IT Excellence Award (2011) and Commanders Excellence in Information Technology Award (2007).
- VADM Collin Green, USN
- LTG A.C. Roper, USA
- HON Deborah Rosenblum
- COL Robert Carter, USA
- COL Matthew Clark, USA
- Darryl Colvin
- COL Christopher Cox, USA
- Dr. David Cullin
- Dr. Kerri Dugan
- Evans
- Paul Gietka
- Bruce Goodwin
- COL James Harwell, USA
- Dr. David (Chris) Hassell
- Jay McCargo
- Dr. Eric Moore
- Deborah Olson
- Michael Poe
- Kathryn Raymond
- Dr. Joel Rynes
- Dr. Jeremy Walker
- Ian Watson