Unconventional Emerging Technology Armament Systems

Track Theme: Accelerating a Broad Spectrum Of Future Effects for the Warfighter

Unconventional and Emerging Technology Armament Systems (UEA) have evolved to be significant components of the US and allied Armament Systems. The focus of the UEA Track is on  addressing maturation of advanced technology and establishment of integrated operational systems. The forum seeks to capture the technology status and progress as well as to address the roadmap from technology to systems. The government and industry activity in the UEA segment confirms armament community response to threats that will result in assured overmatch against adversaries.

Abstracts which address emerging technology and transition to Integrated operational systems as outlined below are desired:

  • hypersonic systems
  • electromagnetic gun systems
  • full spectrum directed energy
  • laser systems
  • high power microwave (HPM)
  • acoustic
  • cyber capabilities
  • enabling multi-threat systems spectrum
  • non-Lethal and less than lethal systems
  • system and platform integration
  • reversible non-lethal technology
  • operational Tactics for Emerging Armament systems
  • robotic and autonomous armament systems and interfaces (Land, Sea, Air)
  • emerging armament application and maturity roadmap for Army, Navy, Air Force
  • artificial intelligence technology, integration, and applications
  • swarming munitions
  • loitering and “on demand’ operational capability
  • sensor technologies (Radar, Optical, Thermal, Cyber etc.)
  • scalable Warhead Effects
  • networking and complementary capability
  • nanotechnology and materials
  • man-machine interface cognitive technology

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