
The Armaments Division provides the forum for industry, military, and government personnel to address the issues necessary to ensure a superior armament system capability today and in the future. The division addresses armament operational needs and requirements, approaches and concepts, system integration, weapons, munitions, fire control and other ancillary equipment, and logistic support. Attention is given to total systems and to technology application and state-of-the-art technology advancements.


The objectives of the Armaments Division are to:

  • Provide focus on integrated armament systems including those used by individual soldiers; utilized on crew-served systems; and integrated into land, sea and air platforms.
  • Provide assessment of current armaments and a vision of emerging military equipment and operational capability applying advanced technology in total armament systems.

The NDIA Armaments Division was proud to welcome Major General Volodymyr Havrylov, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine who addressed attendees in-person at the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)’s 2022 Future Force Conference and Exhibition on Wednesday, September 21.

Topics: Armaments, Ammunition, Counter Material, Crew Served Weapons, Electromagnetics, Guided Projectiles, Gun and Missile, Guns, High Power Microwave, Hypersonic, Individual Weapons, Lasers, Nonlethal Counter Personnel, Propulsion Systems, Rockets Missiles, Sensor Defeat, Small Arms, Spectrum Denial, Warhead Designs

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

George Webster
Associate Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-9493
E-mail: gwebster@NDIA.org
Andrew Peters
Associate Director, Meetings
Phone: (703) 247-2572
E-mail: apeters@NDIA.org
Sarah Komar
Associate Director, Meetings
Phone: (703) 247-9467
E-mail: skomar@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Mr. Nicholas Perry
Northrop Grumman - Defense Systems Sector
E-mail: nicholas.perry@ngc.com
Mr. Mark Owens
Vice Chair
True Velocity
E-mail: mowens@tvammo.com

Policy Contact

For policy-related or congressional inquiries, please contact:

Jennifer Stewart
Executive Vice President Strategy & Policy
Phone: (703) 247-2595
E-mail: jstewart@NDIA.org