Dean Cheng
Senior Research Fellow
Space Warfighting Industry Forum (SWIF)
Dean Cheng is the Senior Research Fellow for Chinese political and security affairs at the Asia Studies Center of The Heritage Foundation. He specializes in Chinese military and foreign policy, and has written extensively on Chinese military doctrine, technological implications of its space program, and “dual use” issues associated with China’s industrial and scientific infrastructure. He is the author of “Cyber Dragon: Inside China's Information Warfare and Cyber Operations.”
Before joining The Heritage Foundation, he was a senior analyst with the Center for Naval Analyses, a federally funded research and development center, and a senior analyst with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC, now Leidos), the Fortune 500 specialist in defense and homeland security. He has testified before Congress, spoken at the (American) National Defense University, US Air Force Academy, and the National Space Symposium, and been published in the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.
- Norine Amato
- Kari Bingen
- Gen Hawk Carlisle USAF Ret
- Dean Cheng
- Maj Gen Clint Crosier USAF Ret
- Gen James Dickinson USA
- Brigadier General Tom Gould USAF Ret
- Col Wes Hallman USAF Ret
- Lars Hoffman
- LTG Daniel Karbler USA
- Dr John Klein
- Stacy Kubicek
- Zach Mears
- Milo Medin
- Dr Jamie Morin
- Air Vice Marshal Cath Roberts AM CSC
- Chris Shank
- Gwynne Shotwell
- Air Vice Marshal Harv Smyth
- Robert W Thomas Jr
- Gen David D Thompson USAF
- Pete Trainer
- John Wagner
- Lt Gen Stephen Whiting USAF