COL Paul Weizer, USA
Program Executive Officer, SOF Digital Applications, SOF AT&L, USSOCOM
32nd Annual NDIA SO/LIC Symposium
Colonel Paul I. Weizer most recently served as the Program Executive Officer for Rotary Wing Systems, HQ USSOCOM immediately upon returning from Brussels, Belgium where he completed a Joint/Interagency assignment as Director, Armaments Cooperation for the U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He previously served as the board-selected Product Manager for Special Operations Forces Training Systems under the Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation.
Colonel Weizer enlisted in the Army in 1990 and served as an Air Traffic Control Specialist for two years before accepting the “Green-to-Gold” scholarship to attend the Army ROTC program at the University of Tampa (Class of ‘94). He graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Aviation branch. He completed the resident aviation basic and advanced officers’ training courses and has served as a platoon leader, executive officer, battalion logistician and company commander. Upon completion of his tour as company commander, Colonel Weizer transitioned in the Army from aviation to material acquisition management. As an Acquisition Corps officer, he has served as an operational test officer, contract management officer, systems integration officer, assistant project manager, Department of the Army systems coordinator, theater acquisition advisor, product manager, and joint/interagency land armaments advisor. He has completed the University of Tampa MBA program (Class of ‘11) and the National Defense University’s Eisenhower School Master of Science in National Resource Management along with the Defense Acquisition University’s Senior Acquisition Course concentration (Class of ‘17).
Colonel Weizer has been stationed at Fort Rucker, Alabama; Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Fort Hood, Texas; Orlando, Florida; Washington, D.C., and MacDill AFB, FL; and overseas in South Korea, Germany, and Belgium. He spent 12 months on an operational combat tour in Iraq standing up Task Force ODIN in 2006-7, a counter-improvised explosives device aviation organization combining manned and unmanned aviation platforms with real-time analysis and decision-making capabilities. In 2012, he deployed on a six-month operational combat tour to Afghanistan serving the U.S. Forces Deputy Commanding General for Support as the materiel acquisition advisor facilitating the development, testing, procurement, fielding, training, support, and sustainment of materiel to meet joint urgent Warfighter requirements.
Colonel Weizer’s awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC), Meritorious Service Medal (4 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (1 OLC), Army Achievement Medal, Army Aviator Badge, Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and Army Staff Badge.
Colonel Weizer is an Acquisition Corps Member with Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act certifications in: Program Management-L3, Testing-L2, and Contracting-L1.
Colonel Weizer is married to the former Maria Fulgencio and has two children; Sarah is an Ensign and Surface Warfare Officer in the U.S. Navy and Benjamin is a sophomore at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.