Kate Dolloff
Deputy Program Executive Officer, Fixed Wing, Special Operations Forces (SOF) Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics (AT&L), USSOCOM
32nd Annual NDIA SO/LIC Symposium
Ms. Dolloff is currently serving as the U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Deputy Program Executive Officer (PEO) for Fixed Wing Programs. The Portfolio includes development, production, testing, modification, fielding, and supporting Special Operations Forces (SOF)-unique fixed wing aircraft and sub-systems, equating to over 100 programs and projects worth $1.7B annually. SOF aviation capabilities include AC-130 and MC-130 variants, MQ-1C, MQ-9, CV-22, U-28, MC-12, C-145, C-146, other remotely piloted vehicles and precision guided munitions.
A native of Bradenton, FL, Ms. Dolloff most recently held command of USSOCOM Program Executive Office, Maritime where she executed a $1.8B portfolio, responsible for the design, production, testing, and sustainment of the most effective and advanced SOF maritime mobility solutions. The Maritime Portfolio provides unmatched affordable combat diving equipment and cutting-edge surface and undersea platforms that deliver SOF safely and undetected to any global operation. Just prior to command she served as USSOCOM Program Manager for Maritime Undersea Systems, supporting Naval Special Warfare and leading the development of a commercially classed and USSOCOM certified Dry Combat Submersible.
As a Navy Engineering Duty Officer (EDO), Ms. Dolloff served in both Naval shipyards and private sector shipyards at Navy Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIPs) supporting the design, build, sustainment, and modernization of surface ships. Her tours included Maintenance Availability Project Manager at SUPSHIP Portsmouth, VA, Command Docking Officer with the establishment of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center, and the DDG 51 Production and Delivery Officer at SUPSHIP Bath, ME before transitioning to the DDG 1000 program as the Senior on-site Program Manager (PMR). She simultaneously served as the DDG 51 PMR. Upon completion of an IA at HQ USCENTCOM, where she supported engineers in three different theaters of operation (Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa) in the development of a $1.6B Global War on Terror Military Construction budget, Ms. Dolloff reported to the Navy Personnel Command as the EDO Detailer providing worldwide assignments and career counseling to over 500 EDOs. She then reported to Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, first serving as the Surface Ship Operations Officer and later as the Deputy, Hawaii Regional Maintenance Center, overseeing the surface ship maintenance and modernization of 11 surface combatants, including six ballistic missile defense ships.
Ms. Dolloff’s sea tours include Auxiliaries Officer onboard USS WASP (LHD 1) and Strike/Fire Control Officer onboard USS LABOON (DDG 58). Prior to designation as an EDO, she served as Operational Test Director for the DDG 51 Class Guided Missile Destroyer, SM-2IIIB Standard Missile, and SPY-1D and SPY1-D(V) radar systems at Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Force.
Ms. Dolloff received a commission and a Bachelor of Science in General Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy followed by a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. She is a member of the Acquisition Professional Corps and holds Level III certifications in Production, Quality, and Manufacturing, Program Management, and Engineering.