
Assured and Preferred Supply of Microelectronics through Provenance, Traceability, and Market Preferences

White Paper   |   July 2023

The NDIA Electronics Division submitted the white paper on the Assured and Preferred Supply of Microelectronics through Provenance, Traceability, and Market Preferences in July of 2023.

This white paper explores the need to develop a preference for assured and traceable microelectronics with initial emphasis on national and economic security, defense, and critical infrastructure. Support of assured and traceable microelectronics by manufacturers will ensure that reliable and secure products are available for supply to Customers in the United States and allied nations. The white paper also explores guaranteed access to trusted assured microelectronics by increasing design and manufacturing in the US and allied nations, as well as by establishing market preferences for assured supply, and actions which are critical for achieving national security and economic growth objectives set forth by congress including through recent Chips and Science Act legislation.

 The Electronic Division's Trust and Assurance subcommittee members, made up of industry subject-matter experts, drafted this white paper as an educational tool to provide DoD with industry feedback and recommendations as implementation of the CHIPS funding and authorizations get underway.

Feedback on DoD Commons Section of CHIPS Act

Feedback on DoD Commons Section of CHIPS Act Submitted by the Policy Sub-Committee

White Paper   |   April 10, 2023

The NDIA Electronics Division submitted the white paper on the execution of Microelectronics (ME) Commons portion of the CHIPS and Science Act to . The purpose of the submission is to support the long-term success of DoD objectives and achievement of congressional mandated goals.

The Electronic Division's policy subcommittee members, made up of industry subject-matter experts, drafted this white paper as an educational tool to provide DoD with industry feedback and recommendations as implementation of the CHIPS funding and authorizations get underway.

Zero Trust Paper

Zero Trust for Hardware Supply Chains: Challenges in Application of Zero Trust Principles to Hardware

White Paper   |   October 2021

A discussion by the Electronics Division of Zero Trust  and Quantifiable Assurance concepts as related to microelectronics to promote broader dialog on the complexities facing the Defense Industrial Base regarding these controversial topics. This white paper facilitates a broader understanding of Zero Trust and the challenges for application to hardware and supply chain assurance. Its purpose is to facilitate a high-level understanding of zero trust principles, to foster necessary dialog for understanding what it will take to apply these principles to the microelectronics domain, including the need to demonstrate and prove techniques, prior to implementing specific guidance in acquisition policy.

Micron Real World Case Study

Onshoring Paper

How to On-Shore Critical Semiconductor Production, Secure the Supply Chain, and Provide Access for the Industrial Base

White Paper   |   February 2021

This White Paper addresses US Government and Semiconductor Industry shared interest to establish a robust, on-shore, supply chain.  Findings include increased flexibility in acquisition and commercialization of Government and Industry critical technologies and a recommendation for rapid update of policies, along with closely coordinated actions, to counter global realities and mitigate and reverse off-shoring trends.  Holistic demand signals and improved industry standards are necessary to optimize the domestic ecosystem.  This paper is is for the purpose of stimulating constructive dialog does not represent an official position of member companies or NDIA.  

ERI 2.0 Discussion

Slide Deck

Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Speaker: Mark Rosker