
The mission of the Electronics Division is to lead the evaluation of current and future challenges, and to develop proposed solutions to address such, for the U.S. Government and industry to access and provide trusted and assured electronics.  The Division will provide a framework for the legal and ethical exchange of information, providing a forum for the interchange of views between the defense industry, commercial industry, universities, research centers, standards bodies, government and military representatives, on trusted and assured technology spanning advanced R&D and design to manufacturing to deployment of systems that target defense and national security end use applications.



The Electronics Division will establish and facilitate a collaborative industry/academia/ government effort to address critical issues for U.S. access to technology to produce trusted and assured components for electronic systems for defense, national security and critical commercial applications within the context of current and future electronics design, manufacturing, packaging, assembly, test, and support. 

The Division will examine the use of trust and assurance enabling technologies where appropriate; product integrity and mission assurance; government guidance, policy and processes; and issues facing industry including technical, business, and legal challenges.  This division will coordinate furtherance of its objectives with other NDIA divisions, to optimally leverage the core competencies in other divisions according to their subject matter expertise.


The Electronics Division was created from the Trusted Microelectronics Joint Working Group, which was a joint Industry/Government activity to address the need for trusted and assured microelectronics.  The NDIA Trusted Microelectronics Joint Working Group enabled government and industry to jointly address critical dependencies between microelectronics components, systems security and information assurance.  The working group addressed DoD and civilian agency methods of acquiring trusted and trustable microelectronics, printed circuit boards, and other electronic components for Defense and security systems from a market that is now dominated by commercial buyers and foreign sources.  The Joint Working Group now functions as the Electronics Division

The final reports of the working group can be found here.

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Click here to view the Electronics Division 2021 Quad Charts.

Topics: Electronics, Emerging Technologies

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

Ms. Britt Sullivan CMP
Senior Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-2587
E-mail: bsullivan@NDIA.org
Ms. Britt Sullivan CMP
Senior Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-2587
E-mail: bsullivan@NDIA.org
Kimberly Williams
Director, Meetings & Events
Phone: (703) 247-2578
E-mail: kwilliams@NDIA.org
Raven LeMay
Meeting Planner
Phone: (703) 247-2540
E-mail: rlemay@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Neil Schumacher
IBM Public Sector Services
E-mail: neilw@us.ibm.com
Dr. Caprice Gray-Haley
Vice Chair
BAE Fast Labs
E-mail: caprice.grayhaley@baesystems.us
Antonio de la Serna
Siemens Government Technologies
E-mail: Antonio.delaSerna@siemensgovt.com

Policy Contact

For policy-related or congressional inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Chris Sax
Associate Director, Strategy
Phone: (703) 247-2571
E-mail: csax@NDIA.org