Call for Presentations

The 27th Annual Systems and Mission Engineering Conference organized by the NDIA Systems Engineering Division in collaboration with the NDIA's Test & Evaluation and Integrated Program Management Division aims to bring together professionals from the defense community and will host the 27th Annual Systems & Mission Engineering Conference in the Hilton Norfolk-The Main in Norfolk, Virginia on October 28 - 31 , 2024. The conference provides a platform for industry, government, and academia to share insights and discuss strategies for enhancing defense acquisition and system performance.

The event offers an interactive forum for various professionals involved in defense projects. Program Managers, Systems Engineers, Chief Scientists, Specialty Engineers, and Managers can participate and exchange knowledge, best practices, and innovative approaches to address the challenges and complexities of defense systems.


Conference Title: Systems Engineering in a Digital Age.

Abstract Submission Deadline

  • Early Presentation Abstract Approval submission deadline: April 30, 2024
  • Final Presentation Abstract Approval submission deadline: June 21, 2024 COB

The Conference Committee will contact accepted abstract presenters as soon as possible. Early submission of your abstract by April 30th, will result in an earlier acceptance decision back to you. On acceptance, presentation submission instructions, timelines, and details will be provided to you by the conference committee. Our goal is to grant acceptance as quickly as possible, hence the early submission option and deadline.

Presentation Type:

PowerPoint or equivalent slide presentation for 30 minutes total: 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions. Authors will contact their accepting conference track leads for details on what can be presented. Available Presentation Formats: 

  1. Breakout Sessions (In Person Presentation for 30min)
  2. On Demand (Prerecorded presentations for 30min)

Call for Abstracts:

Participants will have an opportunity to shape policy and procedures by exchanging innovative methods and lessons learned in the following trending topic areas. However, the topics are not limited to what’s below and we would like to encourage any other topics that will contribute to the overall quality and content presented at our conference. 

  • Enabling Agile Throughout the Lifecycle
  • Mission Engineering / System of Systems
  • Actionable Architecture / MOSA Impact
  • Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Test & Evaluation
  • Digital Engineering and Environments (DEE)
  • Physics-Based Modeling & Simulation and Digital Twin
  • System Security Engineering (SSE)
  • Specialty Engineering (Human Systems Engineering)
  • Specialty Engineering (Safety and Environmental Engineering (SEE))
  • Program Management
  • Education & Training

Submit your abstracts through the link below, click on the abstract FAQ for further details regarding the abstract submission process, timeline, and requirements.
Submit                   Abstract FAQ

The sharable PDF below is available to be printed and reviewed by the organization with details regarding the abstract submission process and its categories. 

Sharable PDF