Human Systems Metrics (HSM)
HSM practitioners work to positively influence the design and operations of human systems for projects and programs. To do so requires quantification and specificity of HSI performance parameters and requirements throughout each phase of the development cycle. Of equal importance is the ability to quantify the impact of implementing HSI on total “human + system” performance and life cycle cost. The HSI community is looking to understand how to measure the success of HSI, as well as track the impact of HSI throughout the life of the system. Similarly, the negative effect on life-cycle cost and system performance due to poor HSI implementation can also be quantified. HSI metrics must simultaneously optimize Measures of Mission Performance (MOP), Mission Effectiveness (MOE), and personnel-related/life-cycle costs, as well as return-on-investment. These metrics should be considered for both operational and training systems. These metrics must also readily be translated into system-level requirements. Deriving concrete, quantifiable HSI requirements can lead to advocacy for the HSI practice by the development community at large, as the latter is requirements driven. HSI metrics and associated requirements also provide the HSI community with taxonomies from which to communicate this vital function.
This track invites submissions on HSI metrics and associated requirements that influence the system development cycle, and methods and metrics to manage and track HSM to support total “human + system” performance, as well as characterize its impact on life-cycle cost and mission success.