Attendee Information

NDIA and WID subsidize attendance for one representative from each chapter/division/industrial committee to attend all events listed above. While we’d love to see Presidents, Chairs and other senior volunteer leaders attend, we recognize other scheduling priorities may take precedence. Thus, we ask that the chosen representative can clearly articulate your group’s best practices and organizational challenges, and effectively communicate post conference information to your organization.

NDIA Will Cover


  • Economy/Coach Airfare (Please purchase airfare early to obtain the best cost)


  • Round trip Mileage (if more appropriate)


  • Wednesday, October 30: Board Lunch and NDIA 100th Year Anniversary Celebration
  • Thursday, October 31: Breakfast, lunch, and snacks


  • NDIA will cover up to 2 nights of hotel accommodations should it be required for your travel schedule. Attendees are responsible for making their own hotel reservations.

Per Diem

  • NDIA will provide $50 per day per diem, for a maximum of 2 days or $100, for leaders traveling more than 50 miles from the Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City.
  • Per diem covers food not already provided, parking, metro, transport to/from the airport, etc.
  • Per diem will be provided for Conference travel days only.


  • Anyone who requests per diem must provide ALL receipts.
  • All leaders submitting expenses for reimbursement or per diem must complete a W9 form.
  • For mileage, you will need to provide a MapQuest or Google maps printout with the mileage. You will be compensated at the IRS’ approved mileage rate.
  • Return the W9 and all receipts to Liza Jones ( and we will reimburse costs within 30 days of receipt.

We will provide an agenda, registration information and further details in September. If you have any questions, Chapter leaders please contact Danielle Butler, and Divisional/Industrial committee leaders, please contact Tatiana Jackson,