34th Annual National Logistics Conference

5/15/2018 - 5/16/2018
Hilton Tampa Downtown
211 North Tampa Street
Tampa,  FL  33602
Tel: 813-204-3000
Theme : Logistics Innovation to Ensure Global Readiness
Event Type : Forum, Conference
Event Code : 8730
The 34th Annual National Logistics Forum brings together senior government and industry logistics policy officials and practitioners to address current challenges facing the delivery of logistics capabilities and services in the current and future severely resource constrained environment.
The event highlights significant challenges in maintaining our military force readiness in the face of an rapidly changing threat and declining state of force availability. It identifies the opportunities to innovate and assesses future impacts on logistics support to Warfighters based on the known and anticipated fiscal constraints to be encountered in the coming years.
The Forum features senior leadership from the Pentagon, Combatant Commands, Military Services and Support Agencies.
Innovation – Experience a technology display area that will highlight cutting-edge capabilities being developed to efficiently and effectively support our Warfighters
Networking – The National Logistics Forum provides the best platform to network with over 200 senior government and industry logistics policy officials and practitioners
Engagement – Share dialogue with both national and international members of the Defense, and various experts across logistics management
LtGen Broadmeadow RADM Verrasto Maj Gen Johnson
MG Dorman Brig Gen Sheley RADM Stamatopolous
The NDIA has a policy of strict compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit competitors from engaging in actions that could result in an unreasonable restraint of trade. Consequently, NDIA members must avoid discussing certain topics when they are together – both at formal association membership, board, committee, and other meetings and in informal contacts with other industry members: prices, fees, rates, profit margins, or other terms or conditions of sale (including allowances, credit terms, and warranties); allocation of markets or customers or division of territories; or refusals to deal with or boycotts of suppliers, customers or other third parties, or topics that may lead participants not to deal with a particular supplier, customer or third party.