Call for Presentation Abstracts

Call for Presentations

Agile in Government Summit is the annual event where experts address the practical adaptations necessary to make agile methods work in Government organizations.

We invite high-quality, professional presentations that reflect the theme and address the focus areas being featured in the event. Selected presentations will reflect the successes that agile is having in government as well as the challenges.


Submission Deadline: Friday, February 24, 2017

Benefits of Presenting

  • Share your expertise with your colleagues
  • Receive recognition for your organization or program
  • Connect with others with practical lessons regarding aspects of Agile methods adoption
  • Demonstrate your thought leadership to the community
  • Expand your professional portfolio

Conference presenters (limit of 2 speakers per presentation) receive full admission to the event. 


This year, the theme of the event is IT and Beyond.  It reflects the growing interest in DevOps and in applying agile principles to non-software areas.

Presentations will be considered from business and Government that address the following topics:

Agile for Cyber Acquisition

This session addresses how agile principles or DevOps can be applied to acquiring and evolving cyber capabilities in order to keep up with the rapidly changing threat.

DevOps for Government – Case Studies and Approaches

DevOps (combining software development and operations delivery together with frequent production releases of capability) is becoming more prevalent in the commercial arena and starting to be used in Government IT.   This session will address pros, cons, case studies and challenges surrounding application of DevOps in Government organizations.

Applying Agile Principles to Hardware

What do John Deere, CubeSat, and WikiSpeed have in common?  They apply agile principles to hardware.  This session invites case studies on how agile principles are applied to hardware, and the associated challenges of using agile in different environments and processes.

Business Agility

This topic area explores coordination, collaboration, and potential scaling needs when agile principles are applied to business operations. When should one expand the use of Agile beyond small teams, and how?  Experiential reports, case studies, and overall formation on frameworks, processes, and governance to scale agile are requested.

Agile Architecture

Agile architecture refers to both the use of agile methods in developing architectures of various types and levels (enterprise, solution, data, etc.) as well as the architecture necessary to integrate multiple activities for agile development on a large scale. This session will address both perspectives of agile architecture and will provide insights from projects applying the concepts.  Attendees will learn to appreciate the mutually reinforcing roles of architecture and agility.

Agile in High Assurance Applications

High assurance systems are those which must have a high reliability, because failure leads to unacceptable consequences.  Examples are medical devices, highly regulates industries, or mission-critical systems impacting flight worthiness.  This session addresses application of agile in systems developed for high-assurance environments.

Contracting Case Studies

Should contracts for employing Agile methods be structured differently than those used in traditional waterfall processes?  This session is looking for tips and lessons learned on how to successfully address agile within legacy contract mods, or new contracts, and case studies for reviews, deliverables, and reporting.

DevOps and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

DevOps success is based on collaboration (developers, testers & operations), patterns and best practices, and automation (eg, CI/CD).  On large-scale federal projects, collaboration and the consistent use of designs across multiple teams and contractors are critical to success.  MBSE provides a platform to enable business analysts to collaborate with developers to produce precise, consistent design specifications that can drive development automation and higher quality on a fast turnaround basis.  This session will highlight current programs applying MBSE as well as recent advances in the state of the art.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically at the following link:

Submitters must complete all required fields for the abstract to be submitted. Once the submission form is complete, click on the Preview button at the bottom of the page to review the submission for correctness, completeness and readability  (Note: When cutting and pasting text use this feature to be sure the form has not altered paragraphing or spacing.) When satisfied, click the submit button. You should then be taken back to the event page.

Selection of abstracts for presentation will be made by the program committee. Submitters will be notified by e-mail on March 3, 2017. Abstracts not selected for this event may be identified for presentation in future ADAPT events.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event. Sponsors have logos on materials, display tables and opportunity to speak during Lunchtime Lightning Rounds. For more information contact Carol Dwyer via e-mail at

This event is organized by the Association for Enterprise Information in partnership with the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute.

For more information contact Carol Dwyer via e-mail at