NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG)

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    5. Select the blue join button next to the International division(if not already a member)
    6. Select the blue join button next to the International - NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) Subcommittee.  

The NIAG, formed in 1968, is a high-level consultative and advisory group of senior industrialists of NATO member countries acting under the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), the principal forum in NATO for Armaments Cooperation.


  •  A forum of free exchange of views on industrial, technical, and economic management of research, development and production of armaments equipment within the Alliance.
  •  Industry’s advice to the CNAD on fostering government-to-industry and industry-to-industry armaments cooperation.
  •  Optional use of NIAG resources to assist CNAD armaments groups in exploring opportunities for international collaboration, and ways to satisfy NATO military requirements.

Are you interested in receiving email on NIAG opportunities? If so, please follow the steps below to join our email list.

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  • log into your account in the top right hand corner
  • select My Profile
  • Select My Divisions
  • If not already a member, join the International Division
  • Select Join button next to the NIAG committee.