Regulation Tracker

The “RegTracker” is a database developed to serve as a repository of information about active rulemakings relevant to the defense industrial base. The NDIA Policy Team is responsible for the creation and upkeep of the RegTracker. NDIA members are impacted by the regulatory actions constantly being issued and updated by Executive Branch agencies. In proposing a new rule or rule change, federal agencies are required to follow a standard rulemaking process that requires them to circulate a summary description of their proposed rule, and to solicit comments from the public, to which, in turn, they must respond publicly. By tracking rulemakings NDIA ensures that it is aware in real-time of regulatory changes as they are proposed, able to communicate this information about these proposed rules to its members and is in position to submit comments and suggesting changes, if necessary. 

Open FAR & DFARS Cases


Basic RegTracker Analytics

The RegTracker is currently updated weekly. For more information or questions about the tracker, please contact