Event Guidelines

Requesting Meeting Space

A request is required to reserve event space and must be submitted at least seven days before the meeting date. Last minute requests may be accommodated but on a strictly space available basis and for a fee.

Upon approval, the client must complete the contract and pay the deposit to confirm the space and date. Once the contract and deposit have been completed, a meeting planner will be assigned to the event.

There are three meeting rooms available for use:

Eisenhower A&B
  • Seats 50 classroom style or 100 theater and reception style
  • Podium
  • Two (2) wireless handheld microphones
  • Two (2) wireless lavalier microphones
  • Two (2) built in screens and projectors
  • Access to in-room computer or capability to plug in a separate laptop
  • Can be divided by air wall into two separate rooms
  • Ability to teleconference
  • Foyer space is available for registration
  • Wi-fi is available
  • Seats eight (8) around a permanent board table
  • One (1) built in screen and projector
  • Access to in-room computer or capability to plug in a separate laptop
  • Ability to teleconference
  • Wi-fi is available

  • Seats 12 around a permanent board table
  • One (1) built in screen and projector
  • Access to in-room computer or capability to plug in a separate laptop
  • Ability to teleconference
  • Wi-fi is available


All groups and/or persons using the meeting facilities are responsible for leaving the space in the same condition as they found it. Failure to do so may result in the loss of privilege to use the meeting space in the future and a fee to repair the damage.

Food & Beverage

NDIA provides catering options with our pre-approved caterers. You may apply to have a different caterer, but the use of outside food and beverage vendors must be approved by NDIA staff and a catering waiver fee may be applied.

NDIA is focused on sustainability with our meetings. We encourage the use of recycled products. Bottle water is not allowed. However, NDIA will provide water pitchers and filtered water for the meeting usage.

Receptions may include alcohol if it is served by someone who is TIPS certified.


All audio-visual requirements will be coordinated through your assigned NDIA meeting planner. The NDIA meeting rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art audio visual. Please consult with your dedicated meeting planner for different requirements, which will be priced upon request.


Photography is allowed.

Displays & Exhibits

Displays are permitted with prior NDIA approval. Materials may not be attached to walls or ceilings. The use of balloons is permitted, if secured.The throwing of rice, confetti, flower petals, or other such items is not permitted.

Media Coverage & Notices

Subject to prior approval by Rachel Sutherland, Director of Communications & Public Affairs at rsutherland@NDIA.org or (703) 247-2544.

Alcohol Consumption

All applicable laws regarding serving and consumption of alcohol must be followed.

Personal Property

NDIA does not accept responsibility for items brought into the NDIA office space or facilities.


NDIA will accept event materials no earlier than one day prior to the event. Packages should be addressed to:

Attention: Name of Meeting Planner
2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201

NDIA will not assume any responsibility for damage or loss of materials, nor for return shipping of materials at conclusion of the event. Any items brought to NDIA must be removed by the client at the conclusion of the event.

Storage space.is limited; please consult with your assigned NDIA meeting planner if the shipment exceeds five boxes. Deliveries received will be charged a storage fee of $10 per box.

Inappropriate Behavior

NDIA reserves the right to require a guest to leave the premises if their behavior is deemed inappropriate or is perceived to be a threat to safety and well-being.

Right to Shut Down Event

NDIA reserves the right to shut down an event at any time. This action might occur if the renter has misrepresented the event or if general behavior becomes inappropriate and presents a danger.


The licensee is liable for any damage to the premises. NDIA will determine damage. All repairs and replacements will be charged in full to the licensee.

Building Access

The building is open from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.Outside of these times, you must prearrange for an NDIA employee with a building card to grant access.


NDIA is a non-smoking facility.Smoking is allowed outside of the delivery door off the side of the lobby only.

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