Dr. Shigenori Mishima
Vice-Commissioner & Chief Technology Officer, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA)
Dr. Shigenori Mishima is the Deputy Commissioner and Chief Defense Scientist of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency (ATLA), Ministry of Defense (MOD) Japan, since April 2020. He is responsible for research & development activities for the Self-Defense Forces, international equipment and technology cooperation, and enhancing collaboration among relevant ministries, industry, and academia in the area of advanced technology.
Dr. Mishima joined the Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI), Japan Defense Agency (JDA) in 1988, where he conducted research on the propulsive performance of an advanced high speed boat and participated in the development of the Flow Noise Simulator, one of the world’ s largest and most quiet variable pressure water tunnel facilities. He then led the SM-3 Block IIA Japan – U.S. cooperative development project as the Japanese Technical Authority.
After ATLA was established in 2015, Dr. Mishima’s first assignment was the director of Project Management Division (Naval Ships). In this role, he addressed the challenge of strengthening shipbuilding industrial base for the Maritime Self-Defense Force, resulting in the new acquisition model for the new destroyer, designated as an FFM. He then served as the director of Department of Technology Strategy. In this capacity, he promoted the measures to realize the policy goals, such as ensuring Japan’s technological superiority and delivering advanced equipment in an effective and efficient manner, as described in the “Defense Technology Strategy” issued in 2016. Also, he played a major role in developing the most recent version of “Research and Development Vision” in order to enhance technological basis, as emphasized in the new “National Defense Program Guidelines” and the “Medium Term Defense Program” issued in December, 2018. He also promoted international equipment and technology cooperation with the US, the UK, Australia, France, India, and so on. In addition, he expanded “Innovative Science & Technology Initiative for Security” and strengthened collaboration with relevant ministries, agencies, industry, and academia in the area of advanced technology in order to utilize cutting-edge dual-use technology.