WID Scholar WID Scholar

6/22/2022 - 6/23/2022
Event Type :
Event Code : 2WI1
About WID ScholarThrough the WID Scholar program, Women In Defense encourages women to pursue careers supporting U.S. national security with a focus on defense or foreign policy.
Since its establishment in 1988, the WID Scholar program, previously HORIZONS, has awarded more than $675,000 to more than 165 recipients pursuing degrees ranging from law to engineering to math to public policy. Awards are based on academic achievement, participation in defense and national security activities, field of study, work experience, statements of interest, recommendations, and financial need. Recipients must report periodically on the impact of the awards on their personal and professional lives.
The National Defense Industrial Association, Women In Defense, and their sponsors are proud to invest in high-performing women to increase diversity and innovation in government, academia, and the defense industrial workforce.