Lisa Loss
2020 Joint NDIA/AIA Industrial Security Webinar
Lisa Loss leads the government-wide suitability program on behalf of the Director, OPM, who is the Suitability and Credentialing Executive Agent. Named as the first director of Suitability Executive Agent Programs (SuitEA) upon the establishment of the office in December 2016, Ms. Loss is responsible for consolidating suitability policy, oversight, and operations under a single point of leadership and driving modernization of suitability and credentialing vetting in the executive branch enterprise. Ms. Loss’ enthusiasm for her current role stems from more than thirty years’ experience in government vetting programs at Defense Investigative Service, Defense Security Service, and OPM.
Prior to establishing the SuitEA office at OPM, Ms. Loss was Deputy Associate Director for External Affairs at OPM’s Federal Investigative Services, where she directed investigative policy, liaison to 100-plus federal agency stakeholders, training of Executive Branch investigators and adjudicators, and management of Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act activities.
In addition to serving as the principal advisor to the director of OPM for government-wide suitability and credentialing policy, Ms. Loss has served as an expert advisor to several presidential task forces and numerous cross-agency initiatives to improve the way the federal government examines the trustworthiness of applicants and employees.
Ms. Loss graduated magna cum laude from Immaculata College with a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Studies. She was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in October 2014.