

  • Opening comments from HON Robert Behler, DOT&E and Mr Tim Dare, Assistant Deputy Director for Test, Evaluation & Prototyping, OUSD(R&E)
  • Summary of last ICOTE Meeting and the 2019 Initiative to collaborate with Mr. Dare’s office on industry inputs on several topics:

Discussion - New Software Acquisition Policy – implications for Test    
        Agile, DevSecOps, and Cyber

Discussion – Industry Input to Mil-STD-881D Update

Discussion – Industry Input to OSD T&E Guidebook

Discussion – RFP language that enables test to Shift Left

Discussion – NAVAIR Capabilities Based T&E summit observations

  • Presentation on Human Systems Integration Tools – Heather Wilson, IDA
  • Presentation on Software Testing – Microsoft Guest Speaker (invited)
  • Boeing T&E overview


Following the ICOTE meeting, there will be arranged tours of Boeing facilities.