
Call for Papers

We invite high-quality professional presentations for the 2019 Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium. The deadline for submission is March 21, 2019.

Submit your abstract through the following link: http://application.ndia.org/abstracts/0550


Innovative IM/EM Solutions: Safer Operations in More Demanding Environments.

Symposium Objective

The Insensitive Munitions European Manufacturers Group (IMEMG), the US National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), and the NATO Munitions Safety Information and Analysis Centre (MSIAC) sponsor this joint industry/government symposium on Insensitive Munitions (IM) and Energetic Materials (EM).

New IM & EM technologies are finding increasing application to meet operational requirements in a variety of challenging in service environments. This symposium will address innovative IM and EM solutions being developed for deployment through all stages of the lifecycle. The 2019 IM and EM Technology Symposium is a major international forum for the exchange and dissemination of information on the latest IM and EM advances. This event is only the fifth time the symposium has come to Europe and the first time it is to be held in Spain. The European location reflects the greater international co-operation and collaboration that are taking place within the global defense community.

Paper Classification

Abstracts, papers, and presentations for this symposium must be UNCLASSIFIED and CLEARED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE.

This symposium will feature technical paper presentations that provide technology advances from national government services and agencies, international government organizations, private industry, and academia. We welcome papers related to technologies and approaches for development, implementation, and fielding IM and EM solutions. Acceptable papers will include aspects of technology related to explosives, gun or rocket propellants, and their application to weapon systems.


Submit your abstract no later than Thursday, March 21, 2019.
Authors whose papers are accepted will be notified the week of May 13.

Upload your abstract at http://application.ndia.org/abstracts/0550 and complete all required information.

Paper Requirements

Presentations should be in MS PowerPoint (preferably 16x9 format). Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.

Suggested Paper Topics

  • National and international experience with fielded IM technologies.
  • Performance advances with IM and EM technologies.
  • Demonstrated examples and benefits of IM to our warfighters.
  • New and insensitive energetic compounds and formulations.
  • IM and performance modeling, verification, and validation.
  • Advances in initiation systems for IM.
  • IM testing and threat analysis methodologies with lessons learnt.
  • Life-cycle assessment and aging characteristics of IM and EM systems.
  • Novel advances in energetic materials including nano materials, reactive materials, enhanced blast explosives, oxidisers, and high-density ingredients.
  • National policies, strategies, and standardization for IM and EM.
  • International collaboration on IM and EM technology implementation.
  • Novel IM and EM processing techniques and manufacturing challenges within the industrial base.
  • Advances in affordable, robust manufacturing technologies for IM and EM.
  • New and improved energetic compounds and formulations.



Call for Papers Release January 15, 2019

Deadline for Abstracts March 21, 2019

Authors Notified           Week of May 13, 2019

Program Released   July 16, 2019

Final Presentations Due October 2, 2019