Health Affairs Breakfast featuring Dr. Terry Rauch

6/14/2018 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Event Type : Breakfast, Committee-Division Meeting
Event Code : 831C
Mark your calendars for the next Health Affairs Division Breakfast, Thursday, June 14 at NDIA Headquarters in Arlington, VA. Dr. Rauch will share his efforts to prioritize the DoD research agenda around innovation and product development in support of the Military mission, and the vital role of partnerships across academia, industry, and other agencies.
Dr. Rauch has more than 35 years of experience in the Military Health System. He has served as chief of staff to the assistant secretaries of Defense for health affairs on matters pertaining to biomedical research, development and acquisition as well as medical products and devices needed to protect U.S. military forces against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.
To read Dr. Terry Rauch's bio, please click here.