Attendee Information
Crowell & Moring LLP
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004
Metro: Metro Center (Red, Blue, Orange, Silver), Archives/Navy Memorial (Green, Yellow) and Federal Triangle (Blue, Orange, Silver)
Parking: There is parking available in the building for $25/day
Upon entering the building, you will need to check in with security. Please be prepared to present a valid picture I.D.
Appropriate dress for this meeting is business for civilians and Class A uniform or uniform of the day for military personnel.
During registration and check-in, each Attendee will be issued an identification badge. Your badge must be worn at all event functions.
NDIA supports the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attendees with special needs or allergies/dietary restrictions should contact Andrea Lane at (703) 247-2554 or by April 10, 2018.
PEC Meeting - April 18, 9:00 am
Government Property Committee Meeting, Day 2 - April 18, 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
National Defense Industrial Association
2101 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
Metro: Courthouse (Orange, Blue, and Silver Lines)
Parking: There is a parking garage available at NDIA. Parking will be validated.
This event is not open to media.