S&ET Executive Breakfast

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700
Arlington,  VA  22201
Tel: (703) 247-2554
Event Type : Breakfast
Event Code : 772C
S&ET Executive Breakfast Meeting Featuring Dr. Deborah Frincke, NSA/CSS Director of Research
Dr. Deborah Frincke currently leads the Research Directorate of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS), the only “in-house” research organization in the U.S. Intelligence Community to create breakthroughs in mathematics, science, and engineering that support and enable the NSA/CSS. Under her guidance, the Research Directorate recruits personnel and maintains faculties that are world-class in fields as diverse as mathematics, computer science, cyber security/trustworthy computing, engineering, physics, neuroscience, cognitive psychology and linguistics. The Research Directorate engages with leading industries, universities, and national laboratories to both advance core competencies and to leverage work in overlapping disciplines. Dr. Frincke recently transitioned to the Research Directorate after leading global education and training for the NSA/CSS as Associate Director for Education and Training (ADET). While leading ADET, Dr. Frincke also served as Commandant of the National Cryptologic School and as the NSA/CSS Training Director.
Prior to joining NSA/CSS, Dr. Frincke had a threefold career encompassing academia, the Department of Energy National Laboratory system, and private industry. A nationally-recognized expert and well-cited author, she has published over 100 articles and technical reports, and she continues to speak nationally on topics from leadership to cyber security. She also co-leads the Basic Training Board for IEEE Security and Privacy magazine. Past professional service includes leadership and participation on numerous scientific program committees and editorial boards, such as the Journal of Computer Security, and organizational boards, including the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program and National Intelligence Science and Technology Committee. She is a Senior Member of IEEE and an affiliate Full Professor with the Information School at the University of Washington.