Sponsorship Contact:
Allison H. Carpenter, Associate Director, Sponsorship
Premiere - $10,000 (available to one sponsor)
Benefits include:
Sponsor logo and link on event website
Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event
Four complimentary full conference registrations
Sponsor description (350 words) in onsite agenda
Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
Sponsorship literature insert distributed to attendees
Notepads and pens with sponsor logo distributed for opening general session
Elite – $7,000 (available to two sponsors)
Benefits include:
Sponsor logo and link on event website
Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event
Two complimentary full conference registrations
Sponsor description (250 words) in onsite agenda
Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
As a Supporting Sponsor, your company will receive the following benefits along with the additional exposure listed with each opportunity.
Supporting Sponsorship benefits include:
Sponsor logo and link on event website
Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event
Registration & Lanyard - $5,000 (available to one sponsor)
Additional Benefits include:
Sponsor logo on “Thank You to Our Sponsor” banner on registration website
Sponsor banner with company logo on registration confirmation (e-mail) receipt sent to all attendees
Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
Lanyards with sponsor name/logo on them distributed at registration on site (sponsor provides lanyards. NDIA can produce lanyards with one-color logo for an extra $750. For NDIA to produce, deadline of January 13, 2017.)
Registration Bag - $3,000
Additional Benefits include:
Sponsor promotional insert distributed in bags
Bags (provided by sponsor, approved by NDIA) distributed at registration area on site. NDIA can produce bags with two-color logo for an extra $1,000. For NDIA to produce, deadline of January 13, 2017.)
Morning and Afternoon Breaks - $4,000 (Two available includes both morning and afternoon breaks on Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8)
Additional Benefits include:
Sponsor logo on promotional signage during breaks
Sponsor logo on napkins to be distributed during breaks (NDIA to provide napkins)
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall - $6,000 (available to two sponsors for Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8)
Additional Benefits include:
Sponsor logo on promotional signage during lunch
Sponsor logo on napkins to be distributed during lunch (NDIA to provide napkins)
Verbal recognition of sponsor prior to general session breaking for lunch