
Sponsorship Contact:
Allison H. Carpenter, Associate Director, Sponsorship


Premiere - $10,000 (available to one sponsor)

Benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo and link on event website

  • Sponsor logo in onsite agenda

  • Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event

  • Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session

  • Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event

  • Four complimentary full conference registrations

  • Sponsor description (350 words) in onsite agenda

  • Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session

  • Sponsorship literature insert distributed to attendees

  • Notepads and pens with sponsor logo distributed for opening general session



Elite – $7,000 (available to two sponsors)

Benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo and link on event website

  • Sponsor logo in onsite agenda

  • Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event

  • Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session

  • Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event

  • Two complimentary full conference registrations

  • Sponsor description (250 words) in onsite agenda

  • Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session




As a Supporting Sponsor, your company will receive the following benefits along with the additional exposure listed with each opportunity.



Supporting Sponsorship benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo and link on event website

  • Sponsor logo in onsite agenda

  • Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session

  • Sponsor logo included in eBlast two weeks prior to event




Registration & Lanyard - $5,000 (available to one sponsor)

Additional Benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo on “Thank You to Our Sponsor” banner on registration website

  • Sponsor banner with company logo on registration confirmation (e-mail) receipt sent to all attendees

  • Sponsor logo in onsite agenda

  • Lanyards with sponsor name/logo on them distributed at registration on site (sponsor provides lanyards. NDIA can produce lanyards with one-color logo for an extra $750. For NDIA to produce, deadline of January 13, 2017.)




Registration Bag - $3,000

Additional Benefits include:

  • Sponsor promotional insert distributed in bags

  • Bags (provided by sponsor, approved by NDIA) distributed at registration area on site. NDIA can produce bags with two-color logo for an extra $1,000. For NDIA to produce, deadline of January 13, 2017.)




Morning and Afternoon Breaks - $4,000 (Two available includes both morning and afternoon breaks on Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8)

Additional Benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo on promotional signage during breaks

  • Sponsor logo on napkins to be distributed during breaks (NDIA to provide napkins)




Lunch in the Exhibit Hall - $6,000 (available to two sponsors for Tuesday, March 7 and Wednesday, March 8)

Additional Benefits include:

  • Sponsor logo on promotional signage during lunch

  • Sponsor logo on napkins to be distributed during lunch (NDIA to provide napkins)

  • Verbal recognition of sponsor prior to general session breaking for lunch