Systems Engineering Division Automatic Test Committee Meeting

3/29/2017 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Type : Committee-Division Meeting
Event Code : 787G
The ATC is organized to support DoD AMB activities and initiatives. The Liaison organization maintains close contact with its DoD counterparts and reports current initiatives, projects and issues from each military service and industry. The Projects organization performs the studies, conducts the workshops and creates the reports that provide formal industry feedback to DoD inquires and tasks. When required, Working Groups are formed, drawing upon the Members-At-Large and other interested parties. The Integrated Family of Test Equipment User Group (IFTE User Group) and the Consolidated Automated Support System Test Program Set Group (CASS TPSG) are two very successful Working Groups that focused on specific ATE applications in the realm of the two approved DoD Automatic Test Systems.
Systems Engineering