Electronics Working Group Industry Workshop
Instiute for Defense Analyses
4850 Mark Center Drive
Alexandria,  VA   22311-1882
Tel: (703) 845-2000
Event Type :
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OSD AT&L (MIBP) is leading this inter-agency effort to produce a report responding to Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13806 (July 21, 2017), “Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base (IB) and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States.”
The NDIA Electronics Division (formerly the Trusted Microelectronics Joint Working Group) is holding an industry workshop in support of the DoD Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy (MIBP) office to provide select industry review and input to the Electronics Working Group (EWG) in preparing the response to the EO. The EO EWG is one of several government working groups stood up by MIBP to identify and assess the defense industrial base.
The purpose of this NDIA workshop is for the government to provide draft content developed by the EWG in support of the EO 13806 report, and to solicit individual inputs from representatives of targeted segments of the electronics industry. Draft content will include electronics industrial base risks, issues, root causes, and mitigation recommendations. MIBP seeks individual inputs in the form of honest feedback, additional risks/issues, and industry-perspective recommendations on risk mitigations.
This workshop will be a single day, with focused working-group sessions to review the EWG list of electronics industrial base risks, determine root causes, and provide individual recommendations on mitigations.
The morning session will be broken up into four parallel working groups, based on defense electronics industrial base segments: Components (e.g. Semiconductors/Microelectronics); Interconnects (e.g. PCB, connectors); Systems (e.g. EW, Radar, Sensors, C4, Software, Emerging Capabilities); and Process/Sustainment (e.g. FAR/DFAR contracting, investments). Each groups will comprise industry representatives (approximately 10-12), with two government representatives facilitating, for a total of 12-14 participants per working group and 48-56 total event participants.
The afternoon session will have all working groups present their findings and conclusions, followed by general discussions with all participants.
The workshop invitations are targeted to specific industry participants in order to ensure a representative cross-section of the industrial base. There are limited number of slots available for participation. The selection process will ensure an appropriate mix of representation and participation. Formal invitations for selected participants will be sent no later than November 30, 2017.
In order to protect proprietary information, a direct communication mechanism will be provided following the workshop. There will be no expectation or accommodation for proprietary discussions during the workshop.
Participant Preparation
The workshop organizers will provide participants with read-ahead material consisting of: background information of the particular market segment; EWG-identified root causes of market segment risks and issues; risk chain map of market segment-specific cause-effect relationships; and draft industrial base mitigations for individual risk/issues and root causes.
Discussions during the event will be unclassified. Given the difficulties in sharing proprietary information, individual participants wishing to submit proprietary information or insights will be given a direct communication mechanism to MIBP government representatives.
Each group facilitator team will provide a summary of the read-ahead material furnished by the government, and will lead discussions and solicit individual team member feedback on:
- root causes
- risk chain map
- mitigation recommendations
- In addition, each WG will prepare a presentation for the afternoon General Discussion session to summarize the feedback discussed during the working group session.
For each group the objective is to have:
- finalized root cause statements that are specific to risks/issues facing the market segment; generic segment risks/issues and a cause-effect chain map;
- mitigation recommendations for root causes and/or generic risks/issues.
- a completed presentation including the above deliverables, any discussion topics of interest, and topics for exploration during the General Discussion session.
At the end of the Industry Day Workshop, the final deliverables include:
- a consolidation of individual inputs from representatives of the electronics industry on industrial base risks, issues, and root causes;
- a list of individual recommendations to mitigate identified risks and issues; and
- topics for further discussion and action by the NDIA Electronics Division.
Who should attend
This workshop is focused primarily on industry input, and as such the majority of attendees will be industry representatives with technical, supply chain, or risk management duties and U.S. citizenship. Government personnel will attend by invitation only and will serve as facilitators in one of the four working groups.
To ensure balanced participation, targeted invitations will be sent to select potential participants for self-nomination. Participants will identify in which working group(s) they would like to participate, and MIBP will select the final participants and inform all who submitted a nomination form.
How to Attend
Those who wish to contribute to the objectives of the workshop and have a unique perspective to offer may submit a self-nomination form. You will be notified on November 30 if you are selected to participate.