Health Affairs Breakfast featuring Tyler Bennett and Kathy Berst, USAMMA

10/5/2017 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Event Type : Breakfast, Committee-Division Meeting
Event Code : 831A
Health Affairs Breakfast featuring Dr. Tyler Bennett, USAMMA, and Ms. Kathy Berst, USAMMDA
Please join the NDIA Health Affairs Division for a breakfast to learn more about best practices in medical product development and acquisition with guest speakers from U. S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) and U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA).
Dr. Tyler Bennett, Deputy for Acquisition at USAMMA, and Ms. Kathy Berst, Deputy for Acquisition at USAMMDA, will share how these agencies work together to bring novel technologies and ideas to the defense marketplace. The breakfast lecture will also include a question and answer period and opportunities for networking with the speakers and other NDIA attendees.
USAMMA acts as the Executive Agent for strategic medical logistics programs and initiatives. The Agency’s mission is to develop, acquire, provide, and sustain world class solutions and capabilities to enable medical readiness globally. USAMMDA develops and fields medical products, including vaccines, drugs, and medical devices, to prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious diseases, combat-related casualties, and CBRNE threats.
A brief division meeting will be held immediately following.