
NDIA’s Space Division offers a continuing forum for communications, discussion and exchanges of view on all space activities with the government through periodic meetings, conferences, symposia and studies that the division conducts. The division works jointly and coordinates with NDIA chapters and other divisions and U.S. defense and government agencies in activities relating to space matters. It maintains close liaison with other industry associations, professional societies, universities, and other groups with similar interests in meeting its mission objectives.

The division addresses numerous key areas, including cost reduction and cost credibility of space programs; space operations; space industry information programs; strategic defense initiatives; space policy and strategy; and space research, development and technology.


The Division’s objectives include:

  • Being the focal point and coordinating element within NDIA for the identification, study and resolution of technology, operations, management and business issues associated with government policy and practice in national security space activities.
  • Serving as an effective vehicle for the exchange of views and information between government and industry on all matters of common concern relating to space.
  • Providing, in cooperation with government elements, collective industry viewpoints, recommendations and advice on matters of national security interest regarding space.
  • Fostering mutual understanding and effective working relationships between government and industry to ensure effective and reliable space support to national security objectives.

Topics: Aviation, Space

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

George Webster
Associate Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-9493
E-mail: gwebster@NDIA.org
Kyle Ackerman
Program Manager, Divisions
E-mail: kackerman@ndia.org
Mary-Edens McAbee
Division Coordinator
Phone: (703) 247-2567
E-mail: memcabee@NDIA.org
Sarah Komar
Associate Director, Meetings
Phone: (703) 247-9467
E-mail: skomar@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Arnie Streland
Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems
E-mail: arnie.streland@ngc.com
Janet Grondin
Vice Chair
Stellar Solutions, Inc.
E-mail: jgrondin@stellarsolutions.com

Policy Contact

For policy-related or congressional inquiries, please contact:

Riley Van Steenburg
Regulatory Policy Associate
Phone: (703) 247-2584
E-mail: rvansteenburg@NDIA.org