Ensuring the U.S. maintains military superiority through collaboration and cooperation with our international partners.

While the United States dominates the global aerospace and defense export market, shifting business and political landscapes, coupled with domestic acquisition hurdles, narrow industry’s competitive edge. U.S. trade in defense systems and services is the cornerstone of the military’s international engagement strategy and supports regional security, improves defense readiness, and encourages collaboration and synergy between the U.S. and its allies. NDIA is a leading voice in articulating the advantages and disadvantages for the defense industrial bases of the current export-control regime and highlighting alternative policies to help advance U.S.-led international security cooperation.

Find the latest commentary, research, and NDIA events in the links on the right.

NDIA Contact

Mr. Chris Sax
Associate Director, Strategy
Phone: (703) 247-2571
E-mail: csax@NDIA.org