Joseph DeVooght

Joseph DeVooght

Vice President, Textron, Inc.

Seasoned public policy leader with the proven ability to successfully meet deadlines while reaching or surpassing strategic goals. Government relations professional with demonstrated success building and managing impactful relationships with Washington decision-makers. A highly sophisticated understanding of and substantial experience in developing legislative proposals into law by navigating both the Congressional and Executive Branches. Deep understanding of defense budgets, policy, and foreign affairs. Registered Lobbyist since 2020 with an active security clearance.


Peraton, Washington, DC                                                                                March 2022 — present

Vice President, Government and Customer Relations                       

  • Established and supervised a Congressional Affairs function for a government contractor with annual revenues of $7B. The function focuses on creating a favorable funding and policy environment for Peraton's capabilities. This involves evaluating federal agency budgets, legislative proposals, and appropriations; then developing and executing strategies to shape desired outcomes.
  • Lead a team of lobbyists responsible for preparing executives for industry events, and meetings with members of Congress and senior leaders within the Executive Branch.
  • Responsible for state and local lobbying compliance and managing relationships with outside consultants.
  • Chair of the Peraton Political Action Committee Board, which has quadrupled in size in 2022-2023.

Honeywell, Washington, DC                                                                           August 2020 — March 2022

Senior Director, Aerospace                                                                              October 2021 to March 2022

  • Served as the lead government relations expert for Honeywell domestic and international Defense programs with a focus on directed energy, hypersonic programs, and National Nuclear Security Administration laboratories.
  • Partnered with HON Business Development teams, elicited program leadership needs, co-defined segment and program priorities, and developed strategies for Department of Defense appropriations and authorization process.

Director. Government Relations                                                                      August 2020 — October 2021

  • Advocated for Honeywell Defense programs, working closely with Congressional defense appropriators and authorizers to ensure funding for key programs. Monitored and analyzed federal/defense budgets, legislative proposals, and appropriations.
  • Developed background information and identified critical points to assist/prepare CEO and executives for Aerospace industry events, and meetings with members of Congress and senior leaders in the Department of Defense. Worked across Honeywell's business units on industrial policy and trade issues relevant to the Department of Defense.
  • Served as the Executive Committee Secretary for Honeywell International Political Action Committee (HIPAC), which is the largest corporate PAC in the US. and was responsible for representing HIPAC with over 50 members of the House of Representatives and Senate.

Office of Congressman Peter J. Visclosky (IN-01), Washington, DC                April 2004 — August 2020

Deputy Chief of Staff                                                                                       July 2009 — August 2020

  • Supervised daily activities of Member's Washington, DC office, which included the communications, legislative, budget, and constituent service staffs.
  • Worked with House Democratic Leadership and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Appropriations Associate/Director                                                                    April 2006 — August 2020

  • 2012-2020 — Associate Staffer for the Chairman (previously Ranking Member) on the Defense Subcommittee.
  • The Subcommittee's jurisdiction includes the majority of the Department of Defense and much of the Intelligence Community.
  • Worked with Committee Staff in developing an annual appropriations measure covering roughly one-half of the discretionary budget for the federal government, this process involves determining a hearing schedule, and meeting with senior DOD officials, industry, foreign governments, advocacy groups, and other Members of Congress.
  • Managed legislative staff in the Member's personal office responsible for the other I I Appropriations Subcommittees. 2009-2012
  • Associate Staffer for the Ranking Member (previously Chairman) on the Energy and Water Development Subcommittee. Federal agencies and offices that fall under the jurisdiction of E WD include the U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers, Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, and the Bureau of Reclamation.
  • 2006-2009 Office lead for ten Appropriations Subcommittees, which included submission of annual project, programmatic, and language requests, and serving as a liaison between local grant recipients and federal agencies.

Legislative Director                                                                                                      April 2006 -April 2012

  • Management of day-to-day activities of legislative staff, including out-going constituent correspondence, press releases, newsletters, drafting and co-sponsoring legislation, and writing memoranda, floor statements, talking points, and testimony for Member of Congress.

Legislative Correspondent                                                                      August 2005 — March 2006

  • Composed constituent correspondence, memoranda, floor statements, talking points, and testimony for Member of Congress on assigned issue areas (Agriculture, Budget, Defense, Government Employees, Foreign Affairs, Environment, Judicial, Tax, and Veterans Affairs).

Staff Assistant                                                                                                             April 2004 - July 2005

  • Coordinated daily constituent tours and office events coinciding with the 2005 Presidential Inauguration, managed interns, and wrote non-legislative remarks for delivery on the House Floor.
  • Provided general office support, including answering phones and greeting constituents and other office visitors.

St. Francis of Assisi School                                                                                    August 2000 — June 2003

7th and 8th Grade Teacher

  • Full-time math and science teacher, MATHCOUNTS coach, and track coach.


  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • B.A., History — December 1999
  • Minor — Secondary Education (History and General Science Certification)


John C. Stennis Congressional Staff Fellow 1 14th Congress

  • The Stennis Congressional Fellowship program is a bipartisan leadership development experience for senior-level staff of the United States Congress. The selective two-year program brings together chiefs of staff, committee staff directors, and legislative directors to explore ways to improve the effectiveness of those who work on Capitol Hill.

MIT Seminar for Senior Congressional and Executive Branch Staff— 2015

  • Participated in a three-day seminar with the theme "Renewal or Retrenchment: U.S. Grand Strategy in a Volatile World."

Defense Acquisition University —2014

  • Successfully completed the DAU Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management Course. This online course provided an overview of the DOD systems acquisition process including the basics of systems program management and the developmental life cycle of a system from inception to disposal.

Partnership for a Secure America Congressional Partnership Program — 2012

  • Through policy seminars, skills training, and networking activities, the CPP program brings Democratic and Republican staff members from the Senate and the House together to build skills and relationships required to advance bipartisanship on nation, security, and foreign policy issues.