The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) welcomes your abstract submission for poster or oral presentation at the 2020 Aircraft Survivability Symposium. The event will follow the theme of Aircraft Survivability in Multi-Domain Operations.
The symposium will provide an opportunity for individuals to present, in a SECRET//NOFORN classified environment, their key topics to a broad audience of influential observers and key decision-makers, including practicing engineers, analysts, and evaluators in government and industry. Presentation and poster abstract submissions are requested to provide an overview of the topic areas described below with an emphasis placed on Multi-Domain Operations, Directed Energy and Hypersonic Weapons, Aircraft Cyber Combat Survivability, and traditional aircraft survivability technologies.
Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2020
DOWNLOAD HERE: Complete and detailed call for abstracts to view details on topic areas, submission timeline, and more.
Focus Areas
Future Threat Trends
- Directed energy and hypersonic weapons development, sensing, and countermeasures
- IADS trends: digital signal processing, electronic protection, and passive/multi-static sensors
- SAM trends: mobility, lethality, EMCON, decoys, and passive/asymmetric kill chains
- Future Fighter Threat: signature, sensors, weapons, and electronic attack
- Communications, data links and GPS jamming trends
Developments in Aircraft Survivability Technologies
- Threat warning and countermeasures developments, techniques and technologies
- Advances in sharing and fusion of Intelligence/Surveillance/Reconnaissance (ISR) and targeting data
- Aircraft Combat Cyber Survivability
- On-board threat information collection, fusion, and automatic response guidance
Department of Defense Perspectives & Strategies
- Multi-Domain Operations
- Force modernization versus readiness levels
- Persistent permissive and/or anti-access/area denial gaps
- Fixed wing and rotary wing capability gaps
- Next generation technology investments
Aircraft Survivability-related Program of Record Updates
- UAS programs: Manned/Unmanned Teaming and Novel Approaches to UAS Survivability
- Future Family of Systems programs and Air Dominance initiatives
- Fixed and rotary wing program updates
Combat Lessons Learned
- Lessons learned on the survivability of today’s manned and unmanned aircraft in combat
- Development of new tactics, techniques, and procedures by weapons schools
- Analyses of threat weapons engagements and combat damage events
Aircraft Survivability-Related Trade Studies & Analyses
- Effective and affordable survivability development and advances across services and platforms
- Vehicle signature reduction technologies across the spectrum: RF, IR, acoustic, visual, and electrical emissions
- Developmental, operational, and live-fire testing against conventional and emerging threats
- Testing and integration of hostile-fire indication and active protection systems
Abstract Requirements
Although final presentations may be classified up to SECRET//NOFORN, abstracts MUST be UNCLASSIFIED. Please note: Submitting an abstract is a professional commitment. If the abstract is accepted, the author commits to attend the event. If an author is unable to attend the conference, then it is incumbent upon him or her to find a substitute. Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate public release for their presentations.
How to Submit
Upload abstracts here: SUBMIT. An automated confirmation will be sent upon submission. Notifications will be sent electronically by August 21, 2020. Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate clearances for their presentation prior to Friday, October 16, 2020.
After review and selection, abstract presenters will be invited to present a 25-minute briefing. Classified presentations discussing related research, technical data, and/or test results are highly encouraged. Only a presentation is required; no accompanying written paper is necessary as all presentations and speaker remarks will be under a strict “not for attribution” ground rule to promote candid and informative communication among the attendees.
The symposium will also feature a classified poster paper venue to complement the theme of the event and present details on specific project and technology accomplishments. Poster papers should enable exposition of detailed information that complements the general session. It will also provide the opportunity for one-on-one discussions outside of the event auditorium.
Contact Carizza Rosales at crosales@NDIA.org with questions about your abstract submission.