NDIA Greater Hampton Roads Chapter Joint Warfighting Forum (JWF)

Christopher Newport University
1 Avenue of the Arts
Newport News,  VA  23606
Event Type : Forum
Event Code : C151
NDIA Greater Hampton Roads Chapter Joint Warfighting Forum (JWF)
Please join the Greater Hampton Roads Chapter for their Joint Warfighting Forum (JWF) to be held at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, on July 15.
Forum Focus
Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) have received increasing attention as the U.S. military considers future armed conflict. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, hypersonic weapons, nanotechnology, and robotics are driving a fundamental change in the character of international conflict. As multi-domain operations increase the complexity of the battlespace, we will require a highly adaptable and resilient U.S. and Allied response through the development of Doctrine, Systems, and Tactics to ensure successful mission execution. This forum will address those efforts, including the role of industry and academia.
Featured Speakers
Major General (USAF, ret) Rich Shook
Chapter President, GHRC-NDIA
General (USAF, ret) Hawk Carlisle
President and CEO of the National Defense Industrial Association, Former Commander, Air Combat Command
Lieutenant General Eric Wesley*
Director, Army Combat Integration Center
Brigadier General James Adams
Director, Capabilities Development Directorate; HQ USMC
General Mike Holmes
Commander, Air Combat Command
*Invitation process ongoing; subject to change