NDIA Greater Los Angeles Chapter West Coast Dinner and Acquisition Forum

3/29/2019 08:00 AM-11:00 PM
The Ritz-Carlton, Marina del Rey
4375 Admiralty Way
Marina Del Rey,  CA  90292
Event Type : Breakfast, Chapter, Dinner, Luncheon, Forum
Event Code : C145
NDIA Greater LA Chapter West Coast Dinner and Acquisition Forum, 28-29 Mar
Please join the NDIA Greater Los Angeles Chapter for the 69th Annual West Coast Dinner and Acquisition Forum. All events are held at the Ritz Carlton in Marina del Rey
Executive Breakfast - $75 per individual
Friday, 29 March 2019; 8:00 – 9:30 AM
Speaker: Lieutenant General John Thompson, Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center
Acquisition Panel – Space Acquisition: How is “Going Faster” Going?
Registration Required
Friday, 29 March 2019; 9:45-11:15 am
Moderator: Maj Gen(ret) Mary Whelan
- Maj Gen Clint Crosier, HAF/A5 (Confirmed)
- Brig Gen Phil Garrant, SMC/CV (Confirmed)
- Maj Gen Nina Armagno, SAF/AQS (Confirmed)
- Maj Gen (ret) Roger Teague, Boeing (Confirmed)
- Kay Sears, Lockheed Martin (Confirmed)
- Maj Gen (ret) Mike Carey (Confirmed)
Space Division Luncheon - $75 per individual
Friday, 29 March 2019; 11:30am – 1:30pm
Speaker: Col Russ Teehan, Portfolio Architect, SMC
West Coast Dinner
Friday, 29 March 2019l 6:30 – 11:00 pm
Speaker: General Jay Raymond, Commander, Air Force Space Command
Bob Hope Awardee: General (ret) Ellen Pawlikowski
Table $3,300 and individual tickets $350
Registration for all events: https://www.eventbee.com/v/tractor8906/event?eid=146878701#/tickets
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Gievers Davies at gievers_davies_lisa@bah.com.