Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts is now closed. Notifications will occur in early June.

The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) welcomes your abstract submission against the Army’s modernization priority areas and future technology areas for panel presentations and scientific posters at the 2018 Army Science and Technology Symposium and Showcase.  This symposium will take place at the Washington D.C. Convention Center, August 21-23, 2018.  This event is designed to feature the latest technologies, tools, and research developments that will strengthen and sustain the warfighter. 

We are seeking contributions that will facilitate a discussion regarding the science and technologies that will enable effective, affordable capabilities for the warfighter that ensure success on the battlefield and beyond.

The theme of the 2018 Army Science and Technology Symposium and Showcase is: Empowering a Soldier’s Success.  Please keep this in mind as you submit your abstracts.


  1. Long-Range Precision Fires
    • Integrated Fires
  2. Next Generation Combat Vehicles
    • Vehicle Mobility/Architectures
  3. Future Vertical Lift Platforms
    • Vertical Lift
    • Survivability
  4. Networked Hardware, Software and Infrastructure
    • C3/C4ISR
    • Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance
  5. Air and Missile Defense Capabilities
    • Directed Energy
  6. Soldier Lethality
    • Immersive Technologies
    • Human Systems Integration
    • Neuroscience
    • Human Performance Optimization and Enhancement
  7. Future Technologies
    • Disruptive Technologies
    • Materials Science
    • Operational/Expeditionary Energy
    • Manned-Unmanned Teaming
    • Synthetic Biology and Living Materials
    • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
    • Quantum Communications and Sensing
  8. Workforce Shaping
    • STEM/Educational Outreach
    • Point of Need Manufacturing

Individuals are required to submit a concise abstract of 5000 characters or less by May 1, 2018.  Authors will be notified whether their abstract has been accepted in early June.

Please upload your abstract via the NDIA website here and complete ALL required information.  All abstracts must be submitted electronically in accordance with specific instructions as outlined in the Submission Guidelines section below.


  1. The deadline for submitting a detailed abstract (5000 characters or less) is May 1, 2018.  Any abstracts submitted after the deadline will NOT be considered for review. Presenters will be notified whether their abstract has been selected in early June.
  2. Abstracts must be UNCLASSIFIED.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted in English.Potential panel presenters must be fluent in English.
  4. Abstracts should include the below information: 
  • Purpose - What is the aim of the research to be presented in a panel or poster session?
  • Theme - How does the research relate to the theme and focus area(s) of the symposium?
  • Design/Methodology/Approach - How were the research objectives achieved? Include a discussion on the research analysis and the primary methodology used.
  • Findings - What are the overall research findings?
  • Practical Applications - What are the practical applications of the research? What changes to existing practice might be made as a result of this research?
  • Original Value - What unique findings will be conveyed through the research? 

For any inquiries regarding the program, please contact:  Dr. Heather Havens at  For all general symposium inquiries, please contact:  Britt Sullivan at

We look forward to the prospect of your presenting at the 2018 Army Science and Technology Symposium and Showcase.