
Online registration will close Thursday, November 8th!

Class size for this event is 50 attendees.  We will maintain a waiting list once 50 registrations have been processed.  

The registration fee covers the 2-day course, all course materials, breakfasts, lunches, morning and afternoon snack breaks, and all day beverage service.

Please register with a complete and accurate email address.  You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your registration have been processed.  Payment must be made at the time of registration. 


Registration Fees
8/20/2018 - 11/9/2018
Academia, Government, or Industry
Group Rate
Group discount is considered for 3 or more registrants from the same company. Please contact Carol Dwyer at first before registering at the Group discounted rate.
Small Business
Small Business Please email Carol Dwyer at before registering at the Small Business rate. The small business category is limited to 5 seats per class. Only one person can register at the reduced rate per small business.
 No refunds for cancellations received after 10/12/18.  A $75 processing fee will be applied to all cancellations before 10/12/18.  Substitutions are welcome in lieu of cancellations!  Please contact Carol Dwyer ( or 703-247-2582) if you plan a substitution for your registration.