AIA/NDIA Technical Data Rights Forum
Technical Information
10/18/2018 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
The Boeing Company
929 Long Bridge Drive
Arlington,  VA  22202
Tel: (703) 465-3500
Theme : Convene government and industry to discuss latest legislative and regulatory trends and actions impacting technical data rights.
Event Type : Forum
Event Code : 9PD1
The 2018 AIA-NDIA Technical Data Rights Forum will convene government, industry, and academia to discuss latest trends and actions pertaining to technical data rights. Specific emphasis will be placed on the provisions under consideration for the FY2018 National Defense Authorization Act and the deliberations of the Section 813 Government-industry Advisory Panel. The forum will be held on a strictly not-for-attribution basis.
This event is open for US citizens only!