Call for Papers

Submission of Abstracts for 30th ISB and
Submission of Full Paper on Defence Technology Special Issue

Authors are invited to publish full papers in the symposium proceedings or, alternatively, in a special issue of Defence Technology journal. Abstract submission to the IBS website is required prior to submission for both the proceedings and the journal.

Submitting an Abstract for the 30th ISB
To submit your abstract for the 30th ISB, please visit the International Ballistics Society website. Abstracts are due no later than January 29, 2017. All abstracts must be unclassified and cleared for public release. Abstracts must not exceed 500 words in length but can be supported by up to 2 pages of supporting material.


Defence Technology Special Issue
To submit a full paper for the Special Issue of the Defence Technology journal, please view the guidelines and instructions set forth in the following document: 30th ISB DT guidelines. Please remember that if you are submitting a paper for the DT SI, you must also upload an abstract to the IBS website.

Dates to Remember:

January 29, 2017 Deadline for abstract submissions
~March 15, 2017  
Notifications to abstract authors; Visa invitation Invitation letters emailed 
June 15, 2017
Last day to submit full papers for 30th ISB proceedings
June 15, 2017
Defence Technology full paper author notification ends
June 30, 2017
Defence Technology papers published online
August 15, 2017
Deadline for applications for the Chou award for young authors
August 19, 2017
Deadline to make hotel accommodations at symposium group rate
Sept 11-15, 2017