SLAAD / USW Pacific Fleet Visit
10/10/2017 - 10/12/2017
Event Type : Committee-Division Meeting
Event Code : 810A
The agenda is still being finalized, we plan to visit the following commands:
COMPACFLT (Discussion Time with Commander or Senior Representative, PACFLT / Fleet Ops Threat briefing / N-3 Fleet Ops Update – MOC tour (tentative) – Joint, Multi-Service Operational initiatives / IAMD / BMD SITREP / POST Overview – Operational experimentation - Science Advisor brief / Manning and material readiness / Where industry can help)
COMSUBPAC (Discussion Time with COMSUBPAC / Threat briefing / N-3 Submarine Ops Update / Operational Experimentation / Science Advisor brief / Manning and material readiness / Where industry can help)
Commander, US Pacific Command (PACOM) (Discussion time with Commander or Senior representative / Tour and briefing in JOC --- Joint Ops Center / PACOM Threat briefing / PACOM Ops and Force IAMD Update / Joint Experimentation – innovative Joint, Multi-Service initiatives – especially unmanned vehicle initiative - Science Advisor brief / Manning and material readiness concerns / Where industry can help)
The Pacific Fleet visit is open to members of the executive committees of the SLAAD and USW divisions. All others must obtain permission from the respective committee chairs.
Clearance submittal info will be available soon.
Proposed hotel:
Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort & Spa
2552 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
+1 808-922-6611