
NDIA’s Air Combat Survivability Division addresses all aspects of susceptibility reduction (probability of hit), vulnerability reduction (consequences of hit) and the overall survivability discipline, including countermeasures, signature reduction, tactics and training, camouflage, concealment and deception, as well as damage resistance, damage tolerance and combat damage repair. The division also focuses on the transfer of information and technology between the military survivability and civil aviation communities to improve flight safety and to mitigate the effects of terrorist acts.


The divisions goals are to:
  • Foster greater understanding of combat-survivability and flight-safety issues by government and industry program managers and by senior government officials who specify operational and safety requirements.
  • Encourage a cost-effective, balanced approach to the design and development of survivable weapon systems; and credible trade studies and integrated survivability assessments.
  • Bring crucial survivability issues to the attention of senior leaders in the Department of Defense, industry and Congress.
  • Improve communications and cooperation between the electronic-warfare and general survivability communities to a point where they are viewed as one.
  • Promote development of the combat-survivability discipline as a key component of the systems engineering process.
  • Support the development and acquisition of simulations and test facilities used to verify weapon systems survivability.
  • Encourage acquisition of combat-repairable weapon systems and development of a combat-damage repair capability in the military services.
  • Foster education and provide educational opportunities for those in government, industry and academia who need to understand and use techniques, technologies and information related to combat survivability.

Topics: Camouflage, Combat Damage Repair, Counter Measures, Damage Tolerance, Signature Reduction, Susceptibility Reduction, Urban Warfare, Vulnerability Reduction

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

George Webster
Associate Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-9493
E-mail: gwebster@NDIA.org
Jennifer Walsh
Director, Divisions
E-mail: jwalsh@NDIA.org
Kimberly Williams
Director, Meetings & Events
Phone: (703) 247-2578
E-mail: kwilliams@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Lt Gen Chris Bogdan USAF (Ret)
Booz Allen Hamilton
E-mail: Bogdan_Christopher@bah.com
Mr. Mark Couch
Vice Chair
E-mail: mcouch@ida.org
Dr. Richard Huffman
Symposium Chair
Institute for Defense Analyses
E-mail: rhuffman@ida.org

Policy Contact

For policy-related or congressional inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Chris Sax
Associate Director, Strategy
Phone: (703) 247-2571
E-mail: csax@NDIA.org