UPDATED: Vaccination memo released applying to all companies supporting the Department of State in Afghanistan & Iraq


A new Department of State, Office of the Procurement Executive memorandum was released applying to all companies supporting the Department of State in Afghanistan.


On behalf of Senior Procurement Executive Michael Derrios, a memorandum advises companies performing at U.S. Embassy Kabul and related locations of a new Chief of Mission directive requiring contracted companies to fully vaccinate their employees. All companies have 45 days from July 13, 2021 to be compliant with the directive, and the Department requests all companies provide a one-time certification of compliance no later than August 27, 2021.


An additional memorandum released on 16 July, advises companies performing at U.S. Embassy Baghdad and related locations of a new Chief of Mission directive requiring contracted companies to fully vaccinate their employees. All companies have 45 days from July 15, 2021 to be compliant with the directive, and the Department requests all companies provide a one-time certification of compliance no later than August 30, 2021.

The Department urges contractors to engage with Department of State contracting officials when questions or concerns arise during performance of a Department of State contract.




OPE Memo to Contractors on Vaccine Requirement

Tab 1 - COM to OPE Letter dated July 13 2021

Tab 2 - CDC definition of fully vaccinated as of June 17 2021

Afghanistan Drawdown Letter to USG Officials Final Signed 13May2021

COVID-19 Vaccine for Contractor Personnel Supporting Mission Iraq

Tab 1 COM letter to OPE Iraq