Registration opens for 2021 SOFIC

ARLINGTON, VA – The National Defense Industrial Association and U.S. Special Operations Command are pleased to announce the 2021 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), virtually, May 17-21.
The annual conference will be held virtually for a second consecutive year to mitigate the threat of the global coronavirus pandemic. NDIA and SOCOM jointly concluded that an online event for 2021 SOFIC is the appropriate precaution, given the potential risk that a large in-person gathering may present to public health.
SOFIC brings together thousands of special operations personnel and industry partners to learn, network and collaborate on initiatives and capabilities needed in the future. The conference will include remarks, presentations and Q&A sessions with SOCOM leaders and acquisition, science, technology and logistics professionals.
The 2021 SOFIC will offer the same exclusive opportunities as in the past, including:
- USSOCOM leadership, component commander and PEO sessions
- Industry keynote presentations
- Industry exhibits and showcases
- Networking
Registration is required for all SOFIC participants. For additional information and registration instructions, visit Media registrants should contact Trish Wildt at For other media queries, contact Evamarie Socha at