Precision Strike Assn. pays tribute to Ginny Sniegon with annual Perry award

ARLINGTON, VA – Virginia “Ginny” Sniegon, a stalwart advocate of precision strike who devoted her civilian defense career to its mission, and dedicated member of the Precision Strike Association (PSA), an affiliate of the National Defense Industrial Association, is the 2018 recipient of the William J. Perry Award, the group announced today, March 5.
This is a posthumous award to Sniegon, who died Jan. 16 at age 83, said PSA Chairman Ken Masson. Her obituary is available here. Sniegon’s family will accept the award at the Precision Strike Annual Review, March 26, in Arlington, VA.
Sniegon’s dedication and life-long contributions made her “a true champion for our national defense,” Masson said. “No one has left a more indelible mark on precision strike. Ginny was dedicated, loyal and driven to make precision strike and her beloved Department of Defense as strong as it could be.”
Sniegon began her career in 1958 with the Navy, eventually joining the defense secretary’s staff where she served from 1960 to 2001. She later worked with the Institute of Defense Analysis’ test and evaluation group. She was PSA’s programs chair for several decades, organizing events that gathered key players from defense, industry and academia to bring cutting-edge solutions to the warfighter. Sniegon’s knowledge of the defense strategic and budgetary processes, as well as her personal connections throughout the Pentagon, resulted in significant increases in weapons capabilities and precision targeting, among other important improvements.
The annual award is named in honor of former Secretary of Defense William Perry. It recognizes exceptional contributions to precision strike systems in the private or public sector.