NDIA supports defense budget, calls for end of Budget Control Act

ARLINGTON, VA – The National Defense Industrial Association issues this statement regarding President Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget, released Monday, March 11:
NDIA supports the commitment to our nation’s defense and its warfighters signaled in the defense top line of the President’s Budget. This is a good next step in the long process of regaining military readiness while investing in modernization and recapitalization. By all accounts, that top line includes needed investments in personnel, training, research and development, acquisitions and sustainment.
The budget, however, was released without a prior bipartisan agreement overriding spending caps, putting this top line and past investments at risk. This is the result of the distorting impact of the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA). An example of this distortion is the aggressive use of overseas contingency operations funds, which don’t count against BCA limits, to stay below the caps. The BCA has failed to drive the fiscal reforms as it was meant to do; instead, it has led to military readiness crises, acquisition delays and budget instability.
NDIA urges Congress to immediately repeal the BCA and resume normal order and a rational budget process. Budget stability, and the ability to do real long-term planning by the Defense Department and its partners in the industrial base, should be the goal and result. We also urge Congress to adhere to the $750 billion top line and the underlying investments called for to adequately resource the 2018 National Security Strategy. Our nation and its warfighters require and deserve it.
For information or to speak with an NDIA official on this topic, contact Evamarie Socha, NDIA communications director, esocha@ndia.org