NDIA supports White House actions on Chinese trade practices

ARLINGTON, VA – The National Defense Industrial Association issues this statement in support of the White House’s targeted responses to Chinese trade practices:
The National Defense Industrial Association realizes the United States has entered a time of great power competition. That competition happens across many fronts: economic, technologic, diplomatic, informational and military. The United States has worked with many nations to build an open and fair international system, characterized by reciprocal trade agreements and rules that recognize intellectual property rights, fair market access and the rule of law.
China has consistently acted in a manner and with an intensity that clearly advance a state policy of mercantilist economic aggression. China has done this through industrial espionage, cyber-theft of intellectual property and predatory investments in our centers of innovation. It leverages access to its domestic market by requiring joint ventures and unfair licensing agreements that demand technology transfers with little to no compensation for American innovators and investors. China’s actions represent a threat to America’s defense, innovative technology and industrial base.
NDIA supports the administration’s specific and targeted response to this threat. We see these actions as the first steps in a strategy that includes sustained, robust engagement with our international allies and partners. This will ensure U.S. actions have the maximum influence on China, bringing it into harmony with international norms and practices to ensure a reciprocal, fair environment for U.S. and allied industries and to secure a peaceful, productive and prosperous future.
For questions and more information or to set up an interview with NDIA officials, contact Evamarie Socha, esocha@ndia.org or (703) 247-2579.