Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves, Richard “Rick” Ambrose win Teets award

JULY 13, 2017 (703) 247-2579
Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves, Richard “Rick” Ambrose win Teets award
ARLINGTON, VA –Lt. Gen. Samuel Greaves of Missile Defense Agency and Richard “Rick” Ambrose of Lockheed Martin Corp. are the latest recipients of the Honorable Peter B. Teets Award, the National Defense Industrial Association announced this week.
Greaves is director of the Missile Defense Agency at Fort Belvoir, VA. Ambrose is executive vice president of Space Systems Company for Lockheed Martin.
In his job, Greaves is responsible for more than 8,000 employees who develop, test, and field integrated, layered, ballistic missile defense system to defend the United States, its forces, allies, and friends against enemy ballistic missiles in all phases of flight. He has operational launch crew experience in the space shuttle, Titan, Atlas, and Delta space launch systems. He wears the Command Space Badge.
Previously, Greaves was the commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center for the Air Force Space Command, Los Angeles Air Force Base, CA. He’s held a variety of assignments in operational, acquisition, and staff units including assignments at Air Combat Command, the National Reconnaissance Office, and on the Air Staff within the Directorate of Operational Requirements and the Air Force Colonel Matters Office. He commanded the 45th Launch Group at Patrick AFB, FL. He led the Launch and Range Systems Wing and Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing at Los Angeles AFB, where he also was vice commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center. Greaves also was director of strategic plans, programs, and analyses for Air Force Space Command at Peterson AFB, CO, before he was assigned as deputy director of the Missile Defense Agency’s Redstone Arsenal, AL.
Ambrose leads a $9.1 billion Lockheed Martin enterprise that employs more than 18,000 people. It provides advanced technology systems for national security, civil, and commercial customers. With more than 35 years experience in the defense and aerospace industry, Ambrose has led a significant number of programs in support of military, commercial, and national security missions.
NDIA’s Space Division annually bestows the Teets award, its highest honor, to recognize public- and private-sector leadership or achievement that contributes significantly to the development, introduction, operational contribution, or support of space systems.
Recent past winners include Gen. John Hyten and Kay Sears (2014), Ms. Betty Sapp and Jeff Harris (2013), and Lt. Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski and Dr. Wanda Austin (2012).
Greaves and Ambrose will receive at a ceremony Tuesday, August 1, at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, VA.
To register for the Teets Award dinner, go to The dinner is in conjunction with the 2017 NDIA Space Division National Security Space Policy and Architecture Symposium, Wednesday, August 2, at the Engility Heritage Conference Center.
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The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is the trusted leader in defense and national security associations. As a 501(c)(3) corporate and individual membership association, NDIA engages thoughtful and innovative leaders to exchange ideas, information, and capabilities that lead to the development of the best policies, practices, products, and technologies to ensure the safety and security of our nation. NDIA’s membership embodies the full spectrum of corporate, government, academic, and individual stakeholders who form a vigorous, responsive, and collaborative community in support of defense and national security. For more information, visit
About the Space Division
The mission of the Space division is to be the focal point and coordinating element within NDIA for the identification, study, and resolution of technology, operations, management, and business issues associated with government policy and practice in national security space activities; to serve as an effective vehicle for the exchange of views and information between government and industry on all matters of common concern relating to space; to provide, in cooperation with government elements, collective industry viewpoints, recommendations, and advice on matters of national security interest regarding space; to foster mutual understanding and effective working relationships between government and industry for the purpose of ensuring effective and reliable space support to national security objectives. For more information, visit