Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-19)

Precision Strike
  • 10/22/2019 - 10/24/2019
  • The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Kossiakoff Center
    11100 Johns Hopkins Road
    Laurel,  MD  20723-6099
  • Theme : Flipping the Game – Imposing Cost through Multi-Domain Precision Strike
    Event Type : Symposium
    Event Code : 0PST


Flipping the Game –
Imposing Cost through Multi-Domain Precision Strike

This year's Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-19) offers a premiere venue for members of the Precision Strike Community to convene and address the tactical and technological challenges faced by warfighters and industry with respect to precision technologies and capabilities.

Now that our major competitors such as China and Russia have evolved, enhancing their military strength to take advantage of gaps in U.S. strategy, the Precision Strike Community must identify a way to change the rules of warfare and push the cost of engagement back to our potential adversaries, deterring them from military action.

What is the full spectrum of adversarial threats and trajectories facing the U.S. and its warfighters? What are the most game-changing technologies currently being explored? How well are we addressing the current threat?

Attend PSTS-19 and find out!

*Please note: This event is classified SECRET//NOFORN and is closed to the press.


  • The classified SECRET//NOFORN venue enables open discussion regarding precision strike capabilities
  • Network with a diverse crowd made up of individuals of varied backgrounds and perspectives
  • Hear from keynotes and featured speakers from the OSD, Joint Staff, Services, COCOMS, Intelligence community, National Labs, and industry
  • Explore technology development in hypersonic, standoff precision munitions, new nuclear capabilities, and network-enabled precision fires
  • Topics to be covered: current war fighting challenges and environment; pioneering technologies from the DoD Service and National Laboratories; novel strategies and concepts from industry leaders; and more.


*Numbers are based on 2018 event attendance.


Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578