What is NDIA NEXT?
NDIA NEXT builds upon key initiatives already implemented by the Association in recognition of the return to great power competition, rapidly changing character of war and evolving regulatory challenges. NDIA members enjoy unparalleled access to industry insights, networking opportunities, and advocacy for issues that impact the defense industrial base. NDIA membership provides a forum for industry, government, and academic professionals to ethically engage with potential customers, suppliers, and partners.
In a rapidly evolving national security landscape, the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is at the forefront of addressing the critical needs of the defense industrial base through our NDIA NEXT initiative. NDIA NEXT embodies our commitment to supporting our members, chapters and divisions, ensuring the U.S. defense industry remains resilient and capable of meeting the challenges posed by near peer competition. Our ongoing initiatives are integral components of this forward-thinking strategy. Visit our Initiatives page to see a small sampling of NDIA's efforts under NDIA NEXT.
Benefits and pricing vary based on specific Membership packages. NDIA offers corporate, individual, allied, and government membership. To learn about benefits and pricing go to our Membership page.
Are multiyear options available at a discounted rate for membership?
Yes, for certain membership types.
The lowest membership tier for each type of corporate membership receives a 20% discount on a 3-year membership.
Individual memberships receive a 20% discount on a 3-year membership.
How do I qualify for the Small Business registration rate?
Industry corporate members (U.S. and Allied) who have $10 million or less in defense-related annual revenue are eligible for this discount.
How to manage my account?
How do I find my login?
Your login is your email address or customer ID, and your unique password.
How do I recover or reset my password?
Go to and enter your email address or customer ID, click on “Forgot Password” and you will be sent an email to reset your password.
How do I find my NDIA member number?
Login to your account, click on "My Membership," Click "Email my membership card" in the upper left corner.
How can I confirm my membership status?
Go to Once logged in, click on the My Membership link on the right-hand side of the page.
How do I renew my membership?
To renew your membership please go to
How do I update my account?
To manage your account, Go to and log in using your email address and unique password
To change your mailing address: click on My Account and select My Profile. From there you may edit your contact information.
To update your communications preferences: go to My Profile and click on the Interest / Email Preferences link on the right-hand side of the page.
To update your organization: My Profile. Click on “Edit Primary Info” and “Update my organization”. If you no longer have access to the email associated with your NDIA membership, please contact
How do I take advantage of my benefits?
Membership packages provide a wide range of benefits ranging from engagement opportunities to educational resources. Members receive discounts on meetings, conferences and event exhibits, which offer the opportunity to network and collaborate with industry, government, and academia through participation in Division Committees, Policy Working Groups, and local Chapter volunteer leadership.
How do I join a Division?
You may join a Division at
NDIA members are eligible to participate in all NDIA Divisions. Join a Division now. NDIA corporate members (members who inherit membership from their organization and are on their organization’s roster) are also eligible to:
- Join Division Committees
- Serve on Division Executive Committees
- Hold Division leadership positions
How do I join a Chapter?
Chapter affiliation is assigned based on the U.S. zip code on your profile. You may select another Chapter as your primary chapter or join additional chapters by logging in to your account at Once logged in go to My Account and select My Profile, then click on My NDIA Chapters link on the right-hand side of the page. Click on “Add NDIA Chapter” to join additional chapters.
Are there any additional fees or dues required to join a Chapter?
There is no additional fee to join NDIA chapters. Chapter affiliation is included in your membership benefits.
I would like to attend a Chapter event, but I can’t find it in the list of events.
Please contact the Chapter’s leadership for information on events put on by a particular Chapter. For a list of Chapters and their Websites, go to
I haven’t received my subscription to National Defense Magazine. Who do I contact to get this resolved?
Please contact
Where can I find a list of upcoming NDIA Events?
For a list of upcoming events, please visit this page:
How do I confirm if my organization is an NDIA corporate member?
To confirm if your organization is a corporate member of NDIA, search the Corporate Members Directory.
How do I join my organization's corporate roster?
You can join your organization’s roster online at by clicking on “Create an Account” and following the prompts.
How can I display the NDIA logo on my organization’s website?
To display the NDIA logo on your website, please fill out the logo agreement found on this page: and email it to
Do NATO employees qualify for NDIA’s Complimentary Government membership?
NATO government and military employees (U.S. and Allied) must meet the eligibility criteria for U.S. Government or Allied Government membership to qualify for complimentary government membership. Non-government NATO employees are eligible to join as U.S. Individual Members or Allied Individual Members.
Key Representatives are the primary contact for administrative and financial communications and the lead on helping your staff leverage their member benefits to grow your business.
How many employees are we allowed to have on our corporate roster?
Corporate membership extends complimentary individual membership to all company employees. There is no limit to how many can be added to your corporate roster. Your employees can join the roster online by following these instructions (PDF)
How do I manage my organization’s roster?
An organization’s roster can be managed by the Key Representative. To manage roster online follow these instructions. (PDF)
How do I make someone else my organization's Key Rep?
To change your organization’s Key Representative, please contact the Membership Team at
How do I get a copy of my organization's membership invoice?
Your corporate membership can renew online at If you need an invoice to process your payment, please contact the Membership Team at
Can I renew my organization’s corporate membership via wire transfer?
Yes, NDIA accepts wire transfers as payment. Contact the Membership Team at and they will send you the banking information.
You may access NDIA’s W-9 form here: