Jeffrey 'Jeb' Nadaner
Executive-level government relations, business development, and public affairs to navigate the new world of reconfiguring global supply chains.► Stellar bipartisan Government Relations track record:
---> Passing major legislation & appropriations and shaping federal regulations: the 2020 and 2021 CHIPS and FABS Bills
► Microelectronics, semiconductors, cloud, telcom, military, health, medical, pharmaceutical, and critical infrastructure products, services, and systems expertise
► Supply chain resiliency & diversification experience
---> Onshoring, near-shoring, & secured allied supply chains and strategic partnerships
► Federal civil, defense, and global sales, acquisitions, procurements, & RFPs: $28 Sales
► Shaping regulatory outcomes: export controls, trade policy, foreign investment reviews & controls/Committee on Foreign Investment in the US--CFIUS, M&A
► Managing teams of lobbyists, consultants, communications specialists, and policy analysts
► Media, messaging, influencing, public affairs, & thought leadership campaigns
► Global Public Policy
► Create acquisition, turnaround, & organizational redesign strategies for both software & industrial businesses