Security Clearance Information Page

Important: Registration must be completed before submitting your security clearance for the forum. Please register first to ensure a smooth clearance process.

Visit Procedures

All visitors must have their FSO send in a visit request ahead of time preferably through DISS SMO Code 7QDJ75 or by fax at 240.290.1317. Please click here to learn more about the security verification requirements.   

Requests need to be submitted by May 5, 2025. Requests made after this time will not be allowed. NDIA does not manage the collection of visit requests. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Kelsey Morris at

Visitor Badging 

Cleared visitors will be issued a badge commensurate with the access levels contained in the Visit Certification.

NSRI is a secure facility and there will be no electronics allowed in the IMS this includes:

  • Cell phones
  • Laptops/Tablets
  • Fitness Trackers